
What’s the ‘big ideas’?

How quality STEM education can be integrated into family day care through children’s everyday activities. Research shows that young children— including infants—are capable of learning mathematics and science concepts (Baroody, 2003). It shows that learning of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) concepts in the early years is associated with children’s later school readiness and…


Leading play-based pedagogies

In this article, Lennie Barblett, Sandra Cheeseman and Catharine Hydon emphasise children’s right to learn through play no matter the age. Additionally, they suggest that all educators lead and be articulate in their advocacy of play-based pedagogies for children’s learning, development and wellbeing. At the 2021 Early Childhood Australia National Conference, we spoke about leading…


Creative arts in early childhood

Artistic pursuits such as music, dramatic play and the visual arts contribute to how children understand creativity and develop their own sense of identity. Popular theories in this field suggest that children’s artistic abilities are often underestimated; and that when given opportunities to explore artistic practice and creative thinking, they generally have stronger outcomes in…


Agency is so much more than choice and voice

Agency is a concept that is familiar, but not always well understood in early childhood education and care (Burr & Degotardi, 2021). Whenever agency is made reference to in early childhood publications, the standard definition in the Glossary of the Early Years Learning Framework is often quoted to frame the discussion (see The Spoke –…


Promoting cultural competence in early childhood

There is growing awareness and effort in Australian classrooms to understand, respect and support cultural differences, but are we starting early enough? If we want to create a society that values diversity, we must start instilling an appreciation for multiculturalism in young children as early as possible. Learning and development happens rapidly during early childhood,…


Knowing you, knowing me: Maintaining relationships

Knowing you, knowing me: How educators and children at a preschool maintained relationships during lockdown After an enviable COVID-free stretch, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) was suddenly plunged into lockdown. Overnight, Hughes Preschool was off-limits to children and families, except those deemed essential workers, and learning from home began. The educator team created physical resources,…


Why climate change matters in early childhood

The sustainability practices educators implement in services give children the opportunity to learn how they’re making a difference towards a sustainable future. HESTA is committed to driving change, stating in their recent ‘Our path to net zero, ‘Climate change is one of the most significant threats to our economy, society and environment and it is…


Why introduce music to babies and toddlers?

Music plays an essential part of infant sensory development.  Julia Rennick shares various forms of music that might be used with babies and toddlers as a way of fostering relationships. This piece may be helpful for educators when considering the connection between infant and toddler learning, their programs and how music can be used to…