
A time to educate, not celebrate: 26 January  

The date 26 January holds a complex place in Australia’s history. While some celebrate it as Australia Day, this date also marks a day of mourning for First Nations people as the date the first British colonies landed, starting centuries of mistreatment and displacement for Aboriginal people.   In early childhood education this day presents an…


Graduation practice isn’t in the EYLF. 

It was early December 2023, and I was talking with a colleague, a Tertiary Supervisor visiting student pre-service teachers on their first ECEC placement. The student she had visited that day was experiencing a challenge.   As with most practicums, the student was required to observe and document play and learning and then develop and evaluate…


Understanding the connection between mind and body: Why is movement important for the developing child?

An internationally recognised stereotype of modern Australia is that of athletes, weekend sports and physically active citizens enjoying the sun outdoors. However, when we begin to delve deep into the research and studies in relation to physical literacy, we realise that Australia is a nation in crisis within all stages of childhood. For example, Australia’s…


Supporting transition to school

As the end of the year approaches, one of your priorities as an educator will be supporting children as they begin their transition from early childhood settings to primary school. In preparing for this milestone while, navigating the complexities this year has brought, there are many effective tools to help you provide the best support…


The Leap

Imagine traveling 2 plane flights and over 8 hours to your first teaching job- with little people who spoke a different language and who were from a different cultural background to you.  You might be forgiven for thinking that the scenario I am creating was set in Asia or Eastern Europe. But this adventure takes place…