
Playwork at Forrest Out of School Hours Care

In this article, the FOOSHC team discusses the Playwork Principles, which the service has embedded in its practice, resulting in strong developmental outcomes for children and awards for excellence. Image: supplied, FOOSHC Forrest Out of School Hours Care (FOOSHC), rated ‘Excellent’ under the National Quality Standard, is a community-based, not-for-profit service in Canberra run by…


Reflections on the Early Years Summit

I recently participated in the Early Years Summit, convened by Minister for Social Services Amanda Rishworth MP and Minister for Early Childhood Education and Care Anne Aly MP, to begin work on the national Early Years Strategy. This summit brought together 100 people—too many ‘big names’ to mention them all—as well as parents, educators, early…


Empowered to impact change: Learning together through Communities of Practice

Early childhood education is a constant revolving door of new information, insightful understandings, complex perspectives and thought-provoking research. Our role as early childhood educators and teachers is to dive headfirst into this pool of information and filter the noise of overwhelming perspectives in our profession, developing our practices. Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash That’s…


Supporting multilingualism: What parents think and what we should do as a community

Due to increased global mobility and the unprecedented forces of globalisation, the world has become increasingly diverse. We are all witnesses to social, cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity in schools and early childhood services. Research on multilingualism and multiculturalism in primary and secondary school settings is well documented (e.g. Baker & Wright, 2021; Esau, 2014;…