
Tinker play with unplugged tech

Tinkering with non-working digital technologies, writes Honor Mackley, a Brisbane-based primary teacher and ECEC researcher at Australian Catholic University, increases children’s wellbeing, boosts active learning and interest in technologies, and lays the groundwork for play-based learning with functional technology. Photo by Kevin Jarrett on Unsplash What is tinkering? What comes to mind when you hear…

early-educators-around-the-world-feel-burnt-out-and-devalued.-here’s-how-we-can help

Early educators around the world feel burnt out and devalued. Here’s how we can help

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash South Australia’s royal commission into early childhood education led by Julia Gillard has released an interim report. The key recommendation is preschool for all three-year-olds  (in a move similar to other states). But the report notes one of the critical considerations around this change will be the early education workforce. SA’s…