
Relationships matter

I have worked in the early childhood profession for many years. First, as an educator in a variety of different settings and now as a university lecturer and researcher. I have always valued the importance of relationships with children and always worked hard to build and nourish these with children, families and co-workers. However, the…


Body, gender, and sexuality diversity in early years education

At the 2022 Early Childhood Australia National Conference, there was a noticeable interest in body, gender and sexuality diversity (BGSD). BGSD interests are relevant to all early childhood education and care settings. Identity, including body, gender and sexuality, features prominently in Belonging, Being & Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF), and Canadian…


The key reasons why early learning matters

Early Learning Matters Week is a vital opportunity to celebrate the importance of early learning and the work that early childhood educators do. Universal access to high-quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) benefits all young children, but it particularly benefits those at risk of poor education achievement.  More than 90% of brain development occurs…