
Fostering girls’ interest in STEM

Women scientists have played a large part in researching the COVID-19 virus and in testing and developing the vaccine to combat it. Their efforts have been recognised in the theme of this year’s International Day of Women and Girls in Science: ‘Women scientists at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19’. Each year the global…


Family trees and belonging walls

As educators, we talk about fostering a sense of belonging and identity within our services and communities—one way we do this is through the use of photo displays. Reflecting on this in relation to how we display images of ourselves, our educator teams, and the children and families within the service, I wonder what impact…


Honouring educators

Each year hundreds of Australians receive Australia Day Honours for the outstanding service and contributions they make to everyday life in Australia. This year, three notable Australians, The Honourable Jay Weatherill, Megan Mitchell and Professor Lester-Irabinna Rigney, were honoured for their contributions to early childhood education. The Honourable Jay Weatherill, AO, received his Officer of…


Use your voice for change

With the widespread acceptance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional custodians of the land comes the simple proposition that we must change the date—the 26th of January is not an inclusive day of celebration for all Australians. And yet the controversy rages. There are many different views around the date of…


Australia Day, Invasion Day, Survival Day

Every year on the 26th of January we celebrate what it means to be Australian. It’s a day when we welcome new Australians into the fold through Citizenship ceremonies and we get together for barbecues, that most inexplicably Australian of meals. We mark the day in a myriad of ways and yet we continue to…


Early childhood educators are leaving in droves. Here are 3 ways to ensure Australia has enough

Childcare centres across Australia are suffering staff shortages, which have been exacerbated by the COVID crisis. Many childcare workers across Australia left when parents started pulling their children out of childcare due to the pandemic, especially casuals not eligible for JobKeeper. And when the federal government introduced its temporary free childcare package, centres struggled to get the…


Nappy change and toilet learning

Attuned routines give us the chance to reconsider our interactions and focus on pausing to be truly with a child. One opportunity for an attuned routine experience is nappy changes. Here Dr Katherine Bussey and Michelle Richardson share some insights for us as we reconceptualise this routine task. Reconceptualising nappy changes and toileting key times for learning requires…


What children ‘really’ want for Christmas

Many of us are looking forward to celebrating the end of the year with friends and family—perhaps even more than usual after the stress and isolation of COVID-19. Hopefully, the New Year will bring more reasons for optimism and fewer challenges like those experienced by so many in 2020, due to natural disasters as well…